

years of experience
about Us

Integrating R&D, production and sales
as one


SCE Hardware Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive group company integrating R&D, production and sales, headquartered in Hong Kong, engaged in R&D, production and Trade sale.

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market coverage

Coverage includes: UK, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Turkey, Greece, Russia, Poland, Egypt, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Romania, Morocco, Mauritius, Seychelles, Mozambique, Zambia, Malaysia Ravi, Lesotho, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, Estonia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Bahrain, Qatar, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Canada, United States, Brazil, Chile, Honduras, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan

our products

Pipe Fittings

We offer different fittings including threaded loose tubes, copper tubes and many more. All accessories meet the following specifications


We offer different gate valves including plug valves, ball valves, faucets and chrome taps, check valves and exhaust valves and many more

Filtration facility Hansce

We provide filtration devices, including central water purifiers, central water softeners, water purifiers, pre-filters, etc.

company background

SCE Hardware Company Limited
Long history and strong strength

香港華英倫五金有限公司成立於二十世紀八十年代初,是一家集研發、生產、銷售、物流及服務為一體的綜合集團公司。 公司總部位於香港,下屬子公司及辦事處主要分佈於上海、寧波、寧海、瑞典、芬蘭、英國、南非等地。 全球員工近400人,其中專業工程技術研發人員超過100人。 本公司業務遍佈亞洲、歐洲、非洲、大洋洲、南美洲、中東等市場,所銷售的產品涉及瑪鋼管件、銅閥門管件、水處理設備及電子產品四大類。

公司歷年來都非常重視在科技創新、技術研發上的投入。 集團下屬子公司華英倫科技(寧波)有限公司,取得發明與實用新型專利超35項,並通過了ISO9001:2015、ISO14001:2015、ISO45001:2018、SA8000:2014等認證體系。 2016年榮獲國家高新科技企業稱號,並多次獲得浙江省AAA信用等級企業、寧波市高新技術企業、寧波市專精特新企業等榮譽及證書。 先後成為英國燃氣專業協會會員、中國城市燃氣協會團體會員、中國製冷學會單位會員。 華英倫科技為了對產品品質的一致和可靠性提供驗證支持,投資數百萬用於建設專業實驗室,可實現包括材質分析、物理性能、功能、壽命、工況、極限條件及微生物、理化等 測試。

另一家集團下屬子公司東利科技(上海)有限公司,同樣在科技領域深耕精作。 身為德國專業水處理在中國地區的獨家代理商,是首家引進前置過濾器品類的公司。 擁有全系列家庭淨化水處理設備、暖通水處理設備、商業項目及建築水處理等多項世界先進產品。 行銷通路遍佈整個大中華地區線上、線下零售網點。 近年來推出的「全屋淨水4.0---淨護智享」系列產品可完美解決家庭、餐飲、商用等多種環境的用水淨化等問題。 倡議的「全屋淨水,不只飲水」健康用水概念,大幅提升居家生活品質,保障家庭用水安全。 多年的產業經驗與產業背景,使香港華英倫五金有限公司對一直從事的事業有了清晰的戰略目標,從而為集團及下屬各子公司製定了自己的企業願景及使命。




Own multiple brands

SCE Hardware Co., Ltd. 是一家集研發、生產、銷售、物流及服務為一體的綜合集團公司。 公司總部位於香港,下屬子公司及辦事處主要分佈於上海、寧波、寧海、瑞典、芬蘭、英國、南非等地。


Has a number of patents and technical achievements



"Green environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction"

At the beginning of 2000, it became the first enterprise to introduce the German "backwashing, no consumables" pre-filter technology. Adhering to the tenet of "promoting development with advanced technology, perfect service, and excellent products, saving resources, and protecting the environment for the benefit of human society", through continuous integration of its resources and businesses, it will contribute to the development and growth of China's national industry


Industry Explicit Competence

In 2014 only 3 countries host 50% of the globally installed bandwidth potential.

Mikdon S. Simbo -Head Of Idea
  • New Business Ideas create
  • Grow corporate financial
  • Smart Security System
  • 24/7 Online Support